Mishka Fedor Academy of Hospitality
Help the plush maitre d', Fedor the Bear, to prepare for the meeting of important guests. You will find a fun game program for children with interesting challenges, stories about the "Metropol", new knowledge about hospitality and a tea ceremony.
Invitation cards to the Tretyakov Gallery
Guests of the hotel are provided with an invitation card to visit the Tretyakov Gallery. The offer is valid only for online bookings made on the hotel's website. Invitation cards are valid for all guests of this booking.
Traditional Russian ceremony in Chaliapin Bar for 2-4 guests
The tea ceremony in the "Metropol" is a traditional treat in a new vision: pancakes with red caviar, branded pies and cheesecakes, mini—sandwiches with salmon and roast beef, poultry, handmade sweets, natural marmalade from the hotel pastry chef and much more.
Romantic dinner in the room
Arrange a special evening with your loved one and order dinner in the room. Especially for you, the chef will prepare dishes according to an exclusive menu, and the table will be decorated with rose petals and candles. Enjoy the atmosphere of romance in the luxurious interior of your room.
Bed decoration with rose petals
Our professional florists will decorate the bed in your room in a romantic style!
Access to the fitness center
One of the services of the Metropol Hotel is a modern fitness center. The center is open 24 hours and has premium fitness equipment, free weights and additional equipment for functional training.
- 数字电视
- 中国电视台
- 智能电视
- 平面电视
- 卫星电视
- 咖啡机
- 安全系统
- 分体式空调
- 电冰箱
- 吹风机
- 平板电脑
- 空调
- 秤
- 气候监测系统
- 浴盆
- 浴缸或淋浴
- 浴室用品套装
- 淋浴
- 化妆品套装
- 卫生间
- 浴衣
- 浴巾
- 卫生间
- 水槽
- 加热地板
- 浴室用品
- 梳妆用品
- 卫生用品套装
- 拖鞋
- 厕所
- 景观房
- 城景房
- 无线网络
- 电话
- 互联网
- 客房电话
- 两张单人床或一张双人床
- 矫形床垫
- 镜子
- 椅子
- 床头柜
- 办公桌
- 工作台
- 桌子
- 衣架
- 茶几
- 衣柜
- 扶手椅
- 高高的天花板
- 菜单
- 地毯
- 迷你酒吧
- 餐碟套装
- 客房服务
- 安全
- 水壶
- 电子礼宾 24/7
- 个人安全装备
- 枕头
- 毛毯
- 公共池塘
- 文具
- 茶具
- 无限制地进入水疗中心
- 在到达前在线登记
- 洗手液
- 隔音室
- 化妆镜
- 层压板
- 矿泉水
- 暖气
- 饮用水
- 玻璃杯
- 扁平的餐具
- 地板下供暖
- 室内健身区
- 为残疾人士提供的设施
- 茶艺区
- 宠物可进入
- 宠物餐具
- 宠物床
- 宠物玩具
- 双人床
- 两张单人床
- 浴缸
- 小冰箱
- 淋浴帽
- 香皂
- 卫生间
- 古典家具
- 沙发
- 多屉橱柜
- 挂衣架
- 生活区
- 瓶装水
- 收费迷你酒吧
- 茶和咖啡套装
- 两间房
- 洗衣服务(收费)
- 房间俯瞰着酒店的中庭
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